Theres more than one of us!!
Thanks loads for peoples lovely comments about wilf, very sweet!
I really should remember to take photos in the daylight! The weekend was a good'un!! went on a lovely walk, to a 1st birthday party and to the allotment! It all looks abit bare up there at the mo, though we have recently taken on another plot for fruit plants and bushes. This plot is really overgrown so I was up there at the weekend hacking down brambles and now I ache almost everywhere, so time for feet up infront of telly I reckon!!
Gorgeous green fabric and such a cool tag!
WOWSA!! Look at that!!!! that's henry, he's gorgeous!!! How did Lessa know I am totally obsessed with dogs ( not in a wierd way mind, I just really really want one!!!! ) Henry is soopa cool! What else was there, 3 pieces of lovely fabric I shall get planing something for them ( I reckon Stan will like the cars one! ), a really cute felt pincushion with two matching pins, some really cool magnets on the fridge they shall go!
Here's a close up of Henry, he's such a happy puppy, hope he won't mind being sent to the chilly autumnal UK!
Some totally delicious buttons! I have recently been going on to anyone who would listen about buttons and that I have about 5, now I have 15!!! Yippeee! Love the triangle one, it's cool and the cream one looks like a sweet!
Here's the pincushion and there's two magnets at the top of the picce and then I'm afraid my camera stoped wanting to play. Thank you so much Leesa I really have enjoyed my first swap! All the bits and bobs you sent are just brilliant. Thanks again! This blogging lark is great isn't it!! ;) Link