Friday, August 19, 2005


Here are our pet guinea pigs! Benny and Edd!! They were enjoying the grass yesterday and wanted me to take their picture, so always with the camera to hand ( she says but always forgets to take it to the allotment!! ) I snapped away and here they are! Benny is the white one and Edd has a black head! We have had them about 5 years now and they are really lovely fun!
Anyhows I must keep it short as I have about 45 mins and I'm going to sew like mad!!
Oh I ordered a Gocco printing machine doo dah yesterday, I'm so excited! I have a few plans for it already, brilliant!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love Ben and Edd. V Cool pets

12:28 pm  
Blogger Shell said...

Oh, how cute are they!

Have fun with the gocco - I've been thinking of getting one to play with too - let us know if they are as good as they are supposed to be.

7:17 am  

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